
The Wiley Handbook of Sex Therapy (Группа авторов). - Скачать | Читат…

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작성자 Elba
댓글 0건 조회 18회 작성일 23-11-17 10:40


Wmlogs - https://wmlogs.com/id/market/i/battlefieldoao-2042-steam-gift-dad-dididyd-15022. Представляем для скачивания и чтения книгу The Wiley Handbook of Sex Therapy от известного автора Группа авторов.

Произведение -го года.

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The Wiley Handbook of Sex Therapy is a comprehensive and empirically-based review of the latest theory and practice in the psychotherapeutic treatment of sexual problems across client populations. Structured in four sections covering specific sexual dysfunctions, theoretical approaches to sex therapy; working with client diversity; and future directions in sex therapy Advocates a holistic approach to sex therapy with a focus on using a range of psychotherapeutic theories and techniques rather than only the most popular behavioral strategies Includes case studies which highlight the broad spectrum of diverse conditions that clients can experience and which sex therapists can therefore encounter in the consulting room Includes contributions by more than 60 experts from a wide range of disciplines

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